Wednesday, September 8, 2010


There's a cat in The Man Cave.

I've actually toyed with the idea of getting a newborn kitten to raise. But alas it is not a new cat. Actually it's my girlfriend's cat. It didn't become mine now that it lives with my (and roomie) he's still her baby, she's had him for many years.
It was just a lot cheaper for him to live here rather than her apartment, and this way I get a cuddly cat to live with and she gets to see him more often, because she's over here a whole lot more that at her parents house.

It's odd though. After he moved in I had a day or so where I felt a little freaked out. For those of you who know about my girlfriend and I's relationship....well lets just say I don't like to go so far into anything as to make it look like a committed relationship, I just don't want to make it seem permanent. don't get me wrong I love her to death, but lets just say I'm not ready to commit.

Anyway, her cat living here is kind of a commitment. not a let's get married, or a let's move in together. But still, if things go sour, the cat's living arrangement has to be moved around and settled upon (she's get the cat BTW, no argument) but it makes things a bit more complicated.

I'm pretty much over it and fine now. But it's been an odd week.

On the opposite side of that, I loves him and he rocks as a pet. except he peed on the bathroom mat just to prove to me it's time to REALLY clean the litter box, not just hide the cat shits with more litter.
I'ma go do that now.

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