Thursday, November 25, 2010

Movie fail.

I fell like a failure.
I've been watching a movie every day and blogging about it here And I've been doing well...until yesterday. Didn't watch a movie at all that day.

I was going to that moring about 1 am, but I was really tired, then when I woke up I decided to go to the mechanic to get my car worked on, just to get it out of the way.
Well I ended up waiting at the Mechanics for over 4 hours, without my iPod (could have watched a movie on my iPod). I was late for work, and then work was really busy. It was totally depresseing.

On the bright side, as soon as I finish my saftey inspection on the car I get to go to the DMV and put it into my name. Then the car will officially be mine.
Yay me!

Friday, November 12, 2010

A letter

I'm afraid to lay down next to you at night.
I don't want to disturb your peaceful rest. You lay so still, you hardly move. This is who you really are, and I'm afraid you'll see who I really am.
I am not peaceful, I'm fully of worry and regret. It keeps me up all hours of the night. I have to distract myself. I read until I'm exhausted enough to sleep. If I didn't then I would just lay there thinking. And we know what happens to me when I think.
I worry.
I have a big imagination, but I only seem to imagine the worst things that could happen. I have a shoty memory, and I only seem to remember the worst things I've done. Everything is fine now, but I always seem to worry about everything that could go wrong. Everything that I could do wrong. Everything that I will do wrong.
I lay for hours, and my thoughts make it even longer. And when I finally drift off...I sleep fitfully. I tumble through sleep haphazardly. I disturb you. I can feel it. And it tears me up to see you wake before you're ready.
Then I wake up.
Hours before you do. You're comfortable and content. I'm afraid of rolling into you. I get up so as to not worry about trying to fall asleep again, I don't have it in me to put you through that twice a night.
When you get up, you're rested and beautiful.
I feel worse. I dread the long day, and tonight...tonight we'll do it all again.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A New Project

No I'm not trying NaNoWriMo again, failing at that three times in a row was enough.
And since my website is also currently a failure...I've decided upon something else.

After picking up an iPod Touch a week or so ago...I discovered a Netflix I signed up for Netflix and to my disgusting delight I started streaming instant video to my iPod...then a DVD came in the mail...and I was in heaven.

After a few super depressing days I was instantly overjoyed that I could watch movies again.... and lots of them...for cheap!!!

SO I'm reviewing movies again.
Since a friend of mine started reviewing movies on his blog I've felt super jealous and had to jump back in the game.

So take a your friends and revel in all my glory.