Monday, October 12, 2009

"Work sucks, I know"

I was screwed over today.
I showed up to work to find out that a Team Member called in sick and there was no one to cover for her, I was upset to find out that she was told not to come in, because she does this all the time and for some reason has yet to be punished for it, she's really unreliable.
Very soon after I find out that my supervisor had a "family Emergency" and she also would not be coming in.
I love my supervisor to death, but this is the third time she's been scheduled with me that she hasn't been able to make it while we were busier than expected.
I was also upset that even though I've been complaining about being short staffed for the last week or so, they have yet to do anything about it.
So I was stuck in charge of the stand alone...with MANY angry guests.
The theatre served over 3700 guests today and about half went through the Concession stand. We delt with about half of those tonight and there were only 5 of us. needless to say it was hectic, I told them it was going to be busy and I ended up not only without the extra help I needed but I was short two people as well.
I was dangerously close to walking out of my job.
At the end of the night I went over to the Box Manager's office (she was also the Manager on duty for the night) and for the second time I asked to transfer to the Box Office.
The only reason I left Box after I transfered the last time was because of the Team Lead position available in Concessions...I new I'd get it if I applied, and I did. I needed the pay raise.
Anyways, I knew the Box Office would be hiring new Team Members withing the next couple of weeks and I figured they could use someone who already knew what they were doing.
The Box Office Manager was actually happy that I'd come to this conclusion, she was appy to take me back.
So tomorrow I'll be speaking with my Manager in concessions and letting her know this is what I want. I fiure I'll give them two more weeks in Concessions, that'll keep me there in time for the other Team Lead to come back from her Maternity leave. Then if everything works out I'll be back in the Box Office and I'll just be a Team Member...which...for now at least...I'm okay with.