This one made a Drinking game Meme about his life. His is silly, go look at it.
So decided to as well.
Alcohol of choice...Smirnoff Vokda I suggest Smirnoff Twisted, in Vanilla, Watermelon, Raspberry or Mango.
Take a shot if:
-Jason talks about how depressed he is (including tweets about how bad his day is).
-Jason buys a new DVD (including depression induced Amazon sprees).
-Jason quotes a movie, then proceeds to explain which movie and talk about how you should go watch it as you stare at him blankly.
-Jason buys a comic book.
-Jason buys extravagant and pointless electronics for kicks (two shots if it's a new Apple product).
-Jason complains about his girlfriends cat who lives with him.
Maybe another shot if Jason ever gets more that 5 hours of sleep a night...but we all know that's never going to happen.
On a completely different note. I woke up at the Girlfriend's place today, went to take a shower and found Suave Shampoo...this in unacceptable. Suave Shampoo is for poor people and Charlie Sheen. I demand Garnier Fructis.
But at least I'm having a good enough day that the worst thing I can complain about his how my girlfriend is using the wrong brand of shampoo.